Monday, April 29, 2024

May Gardening Calendar 2024

Deadhead spring bulbs after flowering. Let the foliage die back naturally. The nutrients in the foliage gets stored in the bulb for next year’s nutrients and blooms.

Stay ahead of your weeding chores. The month of May is when weeds start showing their ugly heads. I recommend using a Pre-Emergent Weed Control. Just make sure it is recommended safe to use around trees, shrubs, and perennials. Some Pre-Emergent’s are also recommended to use around your vegetable garden. Always read the label to see where you can use a pre-emergent. The way a pre-emergent works is by preventing the weed seeds from germinating. Before applying a pre-emergent pull all existing weeds by the roots because a pre-emergent will not kill existing weeds. Use a weed-N-Feed for your lawns. Check the label to make sure you can use the product on your lawn variety.

Fertilize trees and shrubs. After fertilizing apply a fresh layer of mulch. Applying mulch to your beds helps to keep the roots cool in the spring–summer months and warm in the fall-winter months.

As the weather gets warmer your cool-season vegetables will start to bolt-flower. Start harvesting your last crop and compost. Get the planting bed ready for the spring -summer veggies and herbs.

It is recommended to check your irrigation each year. It boggles the mind when you turn on your irrigation in the spring and an irrigation head is pointing in the wrong direction. When that head was working perfectly last year and pointing in the right direction.

Prune ornamental grasses and clean perennial flowers before new growth starts in the spring.

Prune Azaleas, forsythias, hydrangeas, and gardenias after blooming. You can fertilize Azaleas monthly until the end of August. Be on the lookout for lace bugs on your Azaleas. The bugs are hard to see, but the damage is not. The damage looks like very small white dots on the leaves where the bugs sucked out the chlorophyll. Spray with appropriate insecticide.

It is warm enough to bring the houseplants out that you over wintered outdoors. Place the plants in shade to begin with and slowly move the plants to a sunnier location, if required by the plant. Some tropicals will grow in full sun.

Mother's Day is Sunday May 12th this year. features fine art prints of tropical plants for Mother's DayClick Here Fine Art Prints. has new products just in time for the spring -summer months. We offer personized greeting cards. Click Here to view. Greeting Cards.

Need more gardening advice? Follow our BlogSpot for current sales, daily specials, and sound gardening advice. Simply click on Join This Site Link under Followers. Sign Up Is Free.

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For more information on Landscape gardening   

Information on Butterfly Gardening and Design

Purify your home by Growing Houseplants in your home or office

All photographs and digital images are ©Cheryl Ann Meola. All Rights Reserved. All photographs and digital images displayed in this newsletter are for viewing purposes only and cannot be duplicated or copied.





Monday, April 8, 2024

April Gardening Calendar

                                  April Gardening Calendar

Start planning for Spring.
April is the perfect month to start planning your garden for the current year. As a refresher for last year’s thoughts, ideas or plants you were thinking about purchasing, dust off your gardening journal to see what changes or additions you wanted to make this year. A garden is always evolving.

Irrigation: In zones where your irrigation was turned off for the winter. Irrigation should be checked each year in spring. Turn on the irrigation to make sure the irrigation heads are working properly. Check for leaks, cracked heads, and spray direction. Some issues you may be able to fix yourself, if not call an irrigation specialist.

Roses: Your roses should be trimmed between February 12 – 20, if you have not pruned your hybrid tea roses it’s not too late to trim them now. For more information on trimming, caring, and fertilizing your roses click on my blog article on Rose Care.

Vegetable Gardening: Till the soil when you have a designated area for vegetables in your garden. This preventative measure helps to eliminate weeds, insects, and nematodes. Don’t have room for a vegetable garden, but would like to grow your own vegetables? All vegetables can be grown in large planters. The recommended size for vegetables is 16 inches or larger. In fact, that’s how I grow my vegetables each season. Garden center retailers are still reporting skyrocketing sales for vegetable starts and seeds this year versus last year’s sales. Start planning and planting your vegetable garden now to reap the rewards of homegrown vegetables, if you are thinking about having a vegetable garden this year, today is the time to start. Put on your gardening gloves and reap the rewards and benefits of a spring vegetable garden. For more information on Spring VegetableGardening Click Here.

Color Annuals: April is the month to start thinking about replacing your cool weather color annuals with spring and summer annuals. Here are a few of my favorites: Caladiums, Celosia, Coleus, Cosmos, Dahlberg Daisy, Dusty Miller, Gazania, Geranium, Gerbera Daisy, Ivy Geranium, Lantana, Marigolds, Mexican Sunflower, Moss Rose, Periwinkle, Petunia, Primrose, Purslane, Salvia, Snapdragons, Verbena, Wax Begonia, and Zinnia. All of the annuals mentioned can be planted in soil or in containers.

Bulbs: If you have spring bulbs that are still blooming you may want to enjoy a few of the flowers as fresh cuts indoors. On all perennial bulbs, let the foliage die back naturally, as the foliage dies the bulb transports the nutrients from the foliage to the bulb and will use the nutrients from the foliage and stores the nutrients to the bulb for next year’s growth and flowers. As the foliage dies and it may look untidy and displeasing. To alleviate this annoyance, you can pull up the foliage in a bunch and then roll the foliage down as you would a paper bag, and then tie the rolled-up foliage with a rubber band.

Shrubs: Trim your spring flowering shrubs after they finish blooming and fertilize with the appropriate plant food.

Azaleas: Once your azaleas finish blooming trim back to shape. Azaleas bloom on last year’s growth so it is important to trim your Azaleas no later than the middle of June. Azalea’s set their blooms during the fall months, and this is one reason to trim your Azaleas during the time frame that is provided. After pruning your Azaleas, you need to fertilize them with an Azalea plant food and also add a new layer of mulch. Instead of throwing your spent coffee or tea grounds away your Azaleas will benefit from sprinkling the grounds around your Azalea bushes. 

Prune Pampas Grass and other ornamental grasses trim to about 12 to 24 inches. Prune Lantana and Cannas to about 6 to 10 inches. Shape Crepe Myrtles and Altheas and remove old seed heads. Do not hat rack the Crepe Myrtles. Crepe Myrtles do better without being trimmed to 4 – 6 feet above the ground.

Decorate Your Patio With Tropical Color: Now is the time to start thinking about spring-cleaning your patio and your patio furniture. After sprucing up your patio you may want to redecorate the patio for summer fun with tropical plants that really know how to beat the summer heat. Tropical plants will bloom repeatedly throughout the summer until first frost. Here are a few of my tropical color favorites: Allamanda, Bougainvillea, Copper Plant, Hibiscus, Mandevilla, Pentas, and Shrimp Plant. features fine art prints of tropical plants. Click Here Fine Art Prints.

Need more gardening advice? Follow our BlogSpot for current sales, daily specials, and sound gardening advice. Simply click on Join This Site Link under Followers. Sign Up Is Free. We don’t share your information. 

For more information on Landscape gardening   Butterfly Gardening and Design

Growing Houseplants in your home or office

Fine Art Prints by Cheryl Ann Meola

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©Cheryl Ann Meola

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Revamp and Rejuvenate: Innovative Ideas to Refresh Your Home's Look

Revamp and Rejuvenate: Innovative Ideas to Refresh Your Home's Look

Photo by Freepik

Refreshing your home with a makeover not only revitalizes your environment but also enhances your overall quality of life. A home makeover presents an opportunity to infuse your living space with renewed energy, aligning it more closely with your personal style and preferences. With strategic changes and thoughtful updates, you can transform your home into a sanctuary that reflects your personality and caters to your needs. In today’s post on Hibiscus and More, we explore effective ways to refresh your home’s look. 

Add New Artwork

Incorporating new pieces of art into your home is a straightforward yet impactful way to personalize your space. Artwork serves as a visual expression of your tastes and interests, adding layers of color, texture, and emotion to your surroundings. When selected thoughtfully, pieces of art can complement your décor, prompting discussions and bringing a dynamic vibrancy to your home.

Tackle Repairs

Leveraging a home maintenance and repair app is a game-changer for homeowners looking to refresh their living spaces. Check this one out: An intuitive platform simplifies the process of arranging service appointments and keeping tabs on repair developments without hassle. It acts as a comprehensive resource for details on your home's systems and devices, making it easier to stay informed. Furthermore, an app offers direct access to qualified service experts ready to offer competitive quotes for any necessary maintenance or repair work, ensuring you get the best deal for your home's makeover.

Rearrange Furniture

The layout of your furniture plays a pivotal role in the ambiance and flow of your home. Experimenting with different arrangements can unveil new perspectives and functionalities within the same space, making rooms feel more spacious and interconnected. This refresh can be as transformative as any renovation, offering a new appreciation for your home’s potential.

Give Your Bathroom an Update

The bathroom, often overlooked, holds significant potential for transformation. Updating old, tired tiles with new, modern alternatives can breathe life into this space. Incorporating innovative storage solutions alongside the tile update further maximizes the utility and aesthetic appeal of the bathroom. Such enhancements not only revitalize the bathroom's look but also improve its functionality, making it a more delightful and efficient part of your daily routine.

Upgrade Light Fixtures

Light fixtures are more than just functional; they set the tone of your home. Upgrading to contemporary designs can illuminate your space in ways that are warm and welcoming. This change not only improves visibility but also adds an element of design sophistication, significantly altering the mood and ambiance of your rooms.

Clever Storage for Clutter-Free Living

Creative storage solutions are key to maintaining an organized and clutter-free home. By integrating innovative storage solutions like built-in shelving or multifunctional furniture, you can dramatically improve the efficiency and aesthetics of your living space. These changes not only help in keeping your home tidy but also contribute to its overall design appeal.

Try New Window Treatments

The strategic use of curtains or sheers can dramatically alter the appearance and feel of a room. By choosing fabrics and patterns that complement your interior design, you can control light, enhance privacy, and add a layer of sophistication to your home. This simple update can make a significant difference in the ambiance of your space.

Cultivate an Outdoor Refuge

Your outdoor space offers a unique opportunity to extend the comfort and style of your indoor living area. Starting a flower garden can turn your backyard or balcony into a colorful, tranquil retreat where you can reconnect with nature. This addition not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space but also provides a peaceful haven for relaxation and enjoyment.

In embarking on a home makeover, the goal is to create a space that feels refreshed, functional, and deeply personal. Each change, whether big or small, should contribute to making your home more reflective of who you are and how you live. From art selections that tell your story, to strategic repairs and updates that enhance your home’s functionality and appeal, every decision plays a part in transforming your living space. By approaching your home makeover with intention and creativity, you can turn your living environment into a source of joy and inspiration, a place where every corner resonates with your personal touch and where every room invites you to live your best life.

©Vanessa Holwell 2024

All photographs maybe purchased as fine art prints at  

Cheryl Ann Meola Art

Butterfly Gardening

Houseplants - Grow Fresh Air

Need floral stock photography? Click here.

All photographs and digital images are ©Cheryl Ann Meola. All Rights Reserved. All photographs and digital images displayed in this newsletter are for viewing purposes only and cannot be duplicated or copied.



Tuesday, February 27, 2024

March Gardening Tasks 2024

 In March the weather teases gardeners into believing spring is almost around the corner, with lots of continuous sunny and warm days. During this time of year, the weather is very unpredictable for planning and the weather is like a roller coaster, one day it’s nice and sunny, then the next day it’s cold and rainy.  As gardeners we get antsy, we want to get out in our garden and play in the dirt. But we know better, the last average frost date is still a month or two months away, depending on your gardening zone. This is when we can start planning for this year’s spring garden. Spring is a good time to check out new gardening books. There are two gardening books I would like to recommend Southeast Style Gardening and Gardening for the Butterflies and the books are on sale on Amazon. Here are the links: Southeast Style Gardening and Gardening for the Butterflies. The books can help you plan your garden for spring.

March Gardening Chores

As we patiently wait for spring to arrive, we can start preparing by starting seeds. Start spring flowers and vegetables from seeds indoors. It takes about 6 weeks to get strong seedlings. To make starting seeds easier several horticultural companies have designed and marketed seed germination kits. The kits can be bought at local nurseries, Home Depot, Lowe’s, and online. There is a kit that includes 2 grow lights, seedling heat mat, growing tray, base tray for excess water, 2 vents on the cover, garden tools, and plant labels. This kit is just one that was listed on Amazon that I found.

Spring is a good time to prune your shrubs and vines. Just be aware that some plants bloom on new growth where as other plants bloom on old growth. When in doubt prune after flowering.

March is the last month recommended to prune Roses to half their original size. After pruning rake up last year’s mulch and replace with new mulch. This should be done especially if your roses had black spot because the black spot spores are laying dormant on top of last year’s mulch. Fertilize with Bayer Advanced Rose Fertilizer after pruning and apply once a month. Click Here For More Information on Roses.

Prune back Holly shrubs that have gotten too large. If needed, you can prune back to 36 inches, but if the holly shrubs are 10 to 15 feet you can do the pruning in stages until you find the height that you like.

Flowering shrubs such as Winter Honeysuckle, Quince, and Forsythia can be pruned after flowering.

Is your Liriope looking at little tattered? The leaves can be cut either with a weed eater or your lawn mower set on its highest setting.

Trim back deciduous grasses before the grass breaks dormancy.

Add fresh layer of mulch on all trees and shrubs to prevent weeds. To prevent future weeds from growing add pre-emergent weed preventer on top of the mulch. Check the label to see how often you need to re-apply for continuous protection.

Fertilize winter flowering annuals with a blooming type fertilizer. Water in all granular type fertilizers.

Lawns should have lime at least yearly. Have you limed your lawn lately? Use 40 pounds per 1000 square feet.

Fertilize Pecan Trees with a fruit tree fertilizer and water in well after.

Fertilize shrubs with a shrub and tree fertilizer and water in well.

Need to divide your perennials? When the leaves start to show you can divide and plant elsewhere in your garden. Use a mixture of SuperThrive and Recharge, professional strength microbial superpack as a root stimulator for best results after planting.

One of the best times to plant fruit and nut trees is in early spring. Nurseries have a good selection of these trees in spring, but hurry the selection usually goes fast.

Peach and Apple trees need to be sprayed with a fungicide recommended for fruit trees, and spray the trees while the blossoms are on the tree.

Check for scale insects on Camellias and Euonymus. Spray with a horticultural oil, if you detect the insects.

All photographs maybe purchased as fine art prints at  

Cheryl Ann Meola Art

Butterfly Gardening

Houseplants - Grow Fresh Air

Need floral stock photography? Click here.

All photographs and digital images are ©Cheryl Ann Meola. All Rights Reserved. All photographs and digital images displayed in this newsletter are for viewing purposes only and cannot be duplicated or copied.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Enjoy the Health Benefits of Gardening


Image courtesy of Pexels

Enjoy the Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is an enjoyable hobby that a person of any age can take up. Not only is it an exhilarating activity, but it can also provide many mental and physical health benefits when done regularly. From eating more healthily to enhancing your mood, Hibiscus and More outlines the many benefits that gardeners of all ages can enjoy.

Enhances Health and Mood

Gardening can seem to be a relaxing activity at first glance, but, as Maryland Primary Care Physicians notes, you're actually getting an aerobic workout when you're outside for even just half an hour. From simpler tasks, such as watering, to more involved usage of heavy tools, you'll find that getting outside and working in your garden is a great way to keep active.

Aside from the physical benefits of this exercise, Food & Wine points out that you'll also notice your mood improves when you garden, much like with any other aerobic activity. Getting out for even just an hour a day can help you consistently get exercise and reduce stress at the same time.

Enables Healthier Eating 

Another health benefit that comes from gardening is a healthier diet. Rather than eating sugary snacks during the day, reaching out to homegrown fruits or vegetables can help you reduce hunger and gain energy in a healthier way. If you don't know where to start, try growing easy vegetables, such as carrots, beets, or squash. For more information on growing homegrown vegetables.

Builds a Strong Mind 

Gardening can also have a positive effect on various aspects of your mental health. When you create a garden and tend to plants, you must focus on one thing at a time. This helps build a strong mind by increasing your mindfulness and attention span.

You may also find yourself developing a growth mindset as you watch seedlings become fully grown plants over a long period of time. As gardening is a task that doesn't require you to be perfect, it's a great opportunity to move beyond perfectionism and develop a healthy outlook for your own life.

Positive Reinforcement 

Accomplishing goals in the garden, like nurturing a plant from seed to bloom, is a testament to patience, dedication, and the ability to nurture growth. These qualities are essential not only in gardening but also in pursuing academic goals such as earning a psychology degree online. The same approach that brought you gardening success can be applied to your academic journey. Your success in the garden can be a catalyst for academic achievement, urging you to explore and find out additional information about your options for an online psychology degree, where the seeds of knowledge you plant can flourish into a rewarding career.

Tips for Starting Your Garden

If you want to start a garden, there are a few crucial steps to complete before you start planting. First, clear space in your yard, ideally a spot that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight every day. Additionally, choose the plants you'll be growing, and do some research about the best times to plant them and the kinds of pests that might become problematic after you’ve planted. It’s best to be prepared so that you can stop bugs in their tracks before they do too much damage.

Once you've planned those details, you can start to sow your seeds in the soil and cover them up. Your seedlings need much less water at first, but continue to water them daily to prevent them from drying out.

Cultivate a Healthier Life

Starting your own garden can be a great way to enjoy a higher level of physical activity and an enhanced mood. You’ll soon discover how your new hobby will enhance your mood, provide more opportunities to maintain a healthy diet, and boost your cognitive abilities.

Hibiscus and More specializes in tropical botanicals and nature photography. Contact us today for more information!

©Larry Waters 2024

All photographs maybe purchased as fine art prints at  

Cheryl Ann Meola Art

Butterfly Gardening

Houseplants - Grow Fresh Air

Need floral stock photography? Click here.

All photographs and digital images are ©Cheryl Ann Meola. All Rights Reserved. All photographs and digital images displayed in this newsletter are for viewing purposes only and cannot be duplicated or copied.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

January Gardening Calendar 2024

January Gardening Calendar


Start planning for Spring. January is the perfect month to start planning your garden for the current year. As a refresher for last year’s thoughts, ideas or plants you were thinking about purchasing, dust off your gardening journal to see what changes or additions you wanted to make this year. A garden is always evolving.

Start looking at seed and garden catalogs. January is a good time to start planning this year’s design features and plants. Seeds and new introduction plants sell out quickly. Don’t miss out and wait, try to order your seeds or reserve your plants soon. Reserving your plant purchase guarantees the plant will ship at the proper time for planting in your USDA zone.

Seed starting Kits. Growers recommend starting the seeds indoors in a bright location to get a jump start to spring. There are seed starting kits which are advertised as seed starter germination kit or seed starter greenhouse kit. The kits usually feature a tray, growing media disks, and a cover for the tray. The kits are an excellent choice to start growing your seeds before spring. Some kits even include a warming matt to get a faster germination rate. 

Bare Root Roses will be arriving soon at local garden centers. Prepare planting beds by digging an area 3 feet wide by 12 inches deep for each rose. Soak bare root roses in a mixture of SuperThrive and water for 24 to 48 hours before planting. Local nurseries will also have available roses in peat pots. These pots are biodegradable and can be planted. Don’t take the plant out of the peat pot. Before planting cut the pot halfway down and around the pot four times. This action helps the peat pot degrade faster. For more information on Rose Care Click Here.

Poinsettias water only when the soil is dry to the touch. Start fertilizing in March. Poinsettias need bright light and cool temperatures even indoors.

Deciduous Trees and Shrubs the structure of the trees and shrubs can be easily seen this time of year. Prune all branches that rub or cross each other. Trees and shrubs can be planted now. Plan to plant on a warm day when the ground is not frozen. When the weather warms for a week or longer, and then the temperatures drop into the twenties, cover Camellias and Gardenias nightly until the temperatures are above freezing. The last week in January prune Pear and Apple trees, and Grape vines.

Vegetable Garden till the soil, if the ground is dry. This preventative measure helps to eliminate weeds, insects, and nematodes. Don’t have room for a vegetable garden, but would like to grow your own vegetables? All vegetables can be grown in large planters. The recommended size for vegetables is 16 inches or larger. In fact, that is how I grow my vegetables each season. For more information on Spring Vegetable Gardening Click Here.

Prune Pampas Grass and all other ornamental grasses down to about 12 inches. Prune Lantana and Cannas to about 2 to 3 inches. Shape Crepe Myrtles and Altheas and remove old seed heads.

Annuals water winter annuals like pansies, violas, ornamental cabbage and kale, after a hard freeze. This helps to rehydrate the annuals faster. Water outside container plants before a hard freeze, too.

Houseplants check for insects. Insects like mealy bugs, scale, spider mites are more likely to infest your plants during the winter months. Spray with a horticultural oil or insecticidal soap, and make sure you spray underneath the leaves. Turn your houseplants a quarter to half turn once a week. This prevents leaning of your houseplants. I turn mine once a week when I water my houseplants.

Need more gardening advice? Follow our BlogSpot for current sales, daily specials, and sound gardening advice. Simply click on Join This Site Link under Followers. Sign Up Is Free. View Current Blog Post Click Here.

All photographs maybe purchased as fine art prints at  

Cheryl Ann Meola Art

Butterfly Gardening

Houseplants - Grow Fresh Air

Need floral stock photography? Click here.

All photographs and digital images are ©Cheryl Ann Meola. All Rights Reserved. All photographs and digital images displayed in this newsletter are for viewing purposes only and cannot be duplicated or copied.

©Cheryl Ann Meola


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

December Gardening Calendar

Holiday Poinsettia

In 1975, a research study by the Ohio State University dispelled the myth; Poinsettia ARE not poisonous. The white sap may be irritating to the eyes. So go ahead and brighten up your home with Poinsettias. There are several wonderful hybrids to choose from today from dark red to white.

The Holiday Plants that you kept last year need to be placed in a dark room during the evening hours for the plants to bloom this holiday season. Christmas Cactus and Poinsettias are night dependent plants for them to bloom; these plants need so many hours of darkness to bloom. The cooler weather also helps in the blooming process. Remember this gardening ritual when it is time to turn back the clocks; it is time to give holiday plants total darkness until buds or bracts start forming. If you purchased new holiday plants, try to place them in the coolest areas of your home and not under room vents.

Have you planted cool weather annuals? If not, there is still time to plant. Are your pansies already planted? Now is the time to fertilize your pansies, violas, snapdragons, ornamental cabbage and kale.

For Southern gardeners that are in zones 9 or 10 there is still time to plant your spring flowering bulbs.

Rake your leaves from your lawn by doing so; you will not have dead spots in the grass next spring. The leaves make excellent compost for the landscape beds in the spring. Need A Composter? Gardener’s Supply Company has a fine selection of composter.

Tis the season to harvest holiday decorations from your garden, Holly, Nandina, Pyracantha berries and foliage make an excellent red holiday accent for table centerpieces and hearth mantels.

Attract birds to your garden with different types of bird feeders. Bird experts recommend a selection of bird feeders that hold wild birdseed, thistle seed, and some that have suet cake holders. Bird experts recommend attracting wild birds to use black oil sunflower seed; this will attract a larger variety of wild birds.

Need Horticulture Advice? Ask

Have you ever tried forcing Paperwhites for the holidays and the stems and blooms became leggy? Here is a link to an article about what to do to prevent the legginess from occurring. Click Here To Read More:

House Plants that were brought indoors need a ¼ turn to prevent leaning towards the light. To prevent this, turn your house plants once a week. House plants do not need as much water during the winter months, water when the top one inch of the soil is dry. Another way to decide to water is if you had several days of cloudy weather check your plants on the normal day you usually check, if the soil feels wet wait a week. Houseplants do not need as much water during cloudy, winter months. General Rule less light = less water. Plants use more water with more daylight hours.

The Blogger, Cheryl Ann Meola, has several Links to share with you featuring her fine art plant photography and merchandise. Click on the links below.

For Gardening Books: Butterfly Gardening Click Here. is on Sale. House Plants Click Here.

Landscape Gardening Click Here.

Fine Art America Portfolio for Prints and Household Merchandise.

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For Cheryl Ann Meola’s Adobe Stock Photography.

Hibiscus And More.

Cheryl Ann Meola © 2023.

All photographs and digital images are ©Cheryl Ann Meola. All Rights Reserved. All photographs and digital images displayed in this newsletter are for viewing purposes only and cannot be duplicated or copied.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From Hibiscus and More.

Texas Certified Nursery Professional #1282